Thalif's Blog


Tag Archives: electronics

Interface for RS232 for PC to Microcontroller


I have came across a simple circuit that uses transistor, diode, resistor and capacitor for interfacing Micro controller with PC using RS232


Simple RS232 interface for PC to Microcontroller

Simple RS232 interface for PC to Microcontroller


I have not tested this circuit . I think we can still simplify it.



Read the data sheet before selecting a component

I was desinging a circuit for my project where I used a BC547 transistor for switching purpose but where the collector current IC will be 500mA but the max collector current for that transistor was 100mA.

This is the mistake that I made, I should have chosen a transistor having IC max = 500mA, so this caused me two days even simple circuit took a long time and finally I thought to see the data sheet. where I discovered the IC max = 100mA. So friends out there its my experience form what I have learned. Next time I have to read the data sheet carefully. so if you design your own circuit then read the datasheet very carefully before selecting the components.